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What is preventing you from your Greatest Achievement
Our mission is to help you lift up your professional & personal life quicker than if you were alone.
Our unique approach is designed to make you see a different perspective of your situation
and transform your challenges into real opportunities of personal & professional growth.
Throughout our 3 differents IDEASPHERE services, we commit to make sure you gain
in Clarity & develop a personalised strategy that gives you concret results.
Pauline & Erwan
Your Difference,
will make The Difference.
Together, we grow better...
This is a program of empowering workshops. Mainly designed for entrepreneurs & corporate. With this program we are going through specific topics such as Stress Management, Leadership, the Art of Communication, Optimal Energy, Emotional & Collective intelligence based on Motivational Neurosciences (between 5 to 50 people).
Give up the Good for the Great!
ELITE MasterMind is our very unique 5 days Immersion.
A memorable experience in a Secret inspiring place*.
This intensive Mastermind is reserved to only 8 devoted clients carefully
selected by us. It is the greatest opportunity to input change more rapidly
and therefore accelerate your professional & personal growth.
(on application only, including a personalised pre-test Challenge).
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